Hi! This is possible. There are 2 approaches.
1. Perform the authorization validations in the PreAuthorize/PostAuthorize annotations after enabling MethodSecurity.
2. Perform these validations inside your controller's methods.
In option 1, You can access the JWTAuthenticationToken as authentication inside the Pre/Post Authorize annotations. See https://www.baeldung.com/spring-security-method-security
In option 2, you can access the JWTAuthenticationToken as a parameter. See https://github.com/IMS94/spring-boot-jwt-authentication/blob/master/src/main/java/com/example/springboot/jwt/controller/UserController.java#L27
In the JWTAuthenticationToken you can access the relevant attribute to identify the user and query the DB.
I have a plan to write an article on that. Will see if I get some time.