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Age and gender recognition with JavaCV and CNN
OpenCV’s Deep Neural Networks for gender recognition with JavaCV
What is JavaCV?
We all have heard about OpenCV, the famous C++ library for computer vision related applications. Since it is written in C++, many wrappers/bindings have been created in order to provide the functionalities provided by the OpenCV library to other languages. OpenCV python binding is one such famous wrapper which is being used by many developers for image processing applications. Then we have emgucv, which is the .NET wrapper for OpenCV. Similarly, OpenCV have a java binding too. But, that is not JavaCV. JavaCV is more than a java binding.
JavaCV can be considered as a collection of wrappers for most of famous libraries used for image processing and computer vision related applications. That is, JavaCV include wrappers for OpenCV, FFmpeg, OpenKinect and many more. In short, you can consider JavaCV as everything required for computer vision and image processing in one place kind of a thing. Currently, JavaCV has released its latest version(1.3) of wrappers which support the OpenCV 3.1 through JNI. Even though JavaCV comes with a lot features (OpenCV + many more), it was quite less famous among the developers. Therefore, I decided to draw some light to JavaCV and expose what it is…